:: Punk Guy: Getting Bored, Trying To Be Funny ::

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:: quinta-feira, fevereiro 24, 2005 ::

Uma idéia genial e inovadora para o mundo musical acaba de surgir.

MC Donalds. (Ême-Cí Donalds)
Um rap inovador e de origens desconhecidas, promete uma revolução na área. Seu estômago vai se contorcer com as obras de MC Donalds.

E, no primeiro cd, BIG MC (BIG Ême-Cí), as super-incríveis faixas:

. Dois Hamburgueres
. Alface
. Queijo
. Molho Especial
. Cebola
. Picles
. Num pão com Gergelim

A venda de todos os cds no próximo domingo será destinada a uma instituição beneficente que trata de surdos, uma vez que eles não terão a oportunidade de ouvir às nossas músicas. Compre com o MC Dia Feliz.
:: Samy 2/24/2005 06:27:00 PM [+] ::

:: terça-feira, fevereiro 22, 2005 ::
Pessoal... Minha música tema... Apenas troquem Nintendo por PS2 e Muffins por brigadeiro... .P

by Millencolin

Album : Life On A Plate

Twenty one, feeling down
I tell you nothing with a thousand words
and I weaker get with every step
I waste my time on compact disc's and staly fish
I can't remember the last time I did something
that made me feel all right for longer than a few hours
if I only had the strength to make some muffins
then I swear that I would share them with you now

Am I odd or am I not?
that's the question I spend time analyzing
I'm so soft but still I'm not
living up to what people want me to be
cause I'm busy with me, myself and I
can't be understood by someone I don't know to well
so I'm shutting out the whole world just to play Nintendo
I've got these new games but I'm afraid you can't join me

These last few years I've been struggling
and I'm tired of keeping a low profile
so now it's time to show that I'm alive

I'm gonna change my life
change my plans
change my Vans
even start to dance now
change my thoughts
change my sox
change my moves
even change my pro fighter Q for you

No its not for you
And change mine just for me,
change mine just for me
:: Samy 2/22/2005 07:41:00 PM [+] ::


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